
About Me

My name is Elayne and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband and 6 school aged children.  I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, niece, friend and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I've been blessed to be a stay at home mom and raise my children in one of the most expensive areas in the country. I am passionate about sharing how to be a good steward over the resources that God has blessed me with. It's not about how much you make; it's all about how you use what you have! My frugal ways afford my family a lifestyle of privilege and can do the same for you. Frugality also allows me to sow seeds into Youth Ministry, and for that I am grateful.Living life to the fullest and saving money while I do it is what I'm about. I am available for coupon classes and guest speaking engagements upon request.Follow me on this journey as I show you how to live a fantastic and fabulous lifestyle for less than you imagined! Let's live fantabuLESS together!

I am available for one on one consulting sessions as well as hosting strategic shopping sessions and coupon parties at your church, moms group, or home. Check back for my upcoming seminars in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I can be reached at:

(925) 476-8212

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