
Monday, April 11, 2011

Fabule$$ All You Money Saving Magazine Subscription!!

TODAY ONLY, Ebates is offering 51% cash back with every order placed at  This is a Fabule$$ opportunity to snag a subscription to All You Magazine, my favorite money saving magazine that is filled with money saving coupons each month.  You can only purchase it by subscription or at Walmart, so get a move on while this steal of a deal is on!

1.  Login or sign up here for Ebates.

2. Enter in the search engine on the top right hand side of your screen, and click on it.

3. See the big, orange, SHOP NOW BUTTON? Click on it!

4. Enter "ALL YOU" in the search engine at the top of the page and follow the link and order the 2 year subscription for $34.  In 2-3 days they will credit your Ebates account $17.34 AND if if you are a new subscriber you will get a bonus $5 credit.  That means new users can grab this deal for $.50 an issue or returning users for $.70 an issue rather than the $2.49 newstand price!

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