
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Extreme Savings At CVS 4/16/12

Depends: $3.99 used $1.50MQ & $2 CVS Coupon, got back $2 ECBs
Bengay:  $5.99 used $2.00 MQ, got back $3 ECBs
Colgate: $2.99, used $1.00MQ, got back $2ECBs (X2)
NatuRelief: $8.49, used $1.00MQ, got back $8.49
Candy: 4/$2.00, got back $1 ECB
Got back $1 ECBs from Green Bag Tag

Paid- $19.94
Got back- $20.49
$.55 Money Maker!!

(FYI for this transaction I rolled my ECBs from previous weeks, so no money actually came out of my pocket today.


  1. That takes a special kind of skill to do that Elayne! I want to be just like you when I grow up!

    ~ Sterling Rose

  2. Rose- You have become quite the coupon queen since we first met! I'm so glad we are both on this journey to save our families money and live well!
