
Monday, May 14, 2012

My 103% Savings at Safeway 5/14 !

Since I have 6 children who are active in all kinds of sports, I always get excited when I find deals to keep them hydrated. This was my trip to Safeway this morning where I saved 103%! Even the sales tax and CRV were paid for with my coupons! So here is what I did:

2 Lays Stax @ 1.00 each-  $2
8 Powerade @ $.69 each-  $5.52
1 Country Crock J4U Price- $.99
5 Starbucks Refreshers @ $1.50-  $7.50
3 Hallmark Cards @ $1.99 each- $5.97
1 Crystal Light Mocktail- $1.99
2  7-Up Sodas @ $.99 each- $1.98

Total- $25.95 BEFORE tax & CRV

Coupons Used-
$5/25 off Boys Scouts of America Coupon
$5 ONYO Hallmark Catalina
$1.00 off Country Crock IP- NLA
4- $1/1 Powerade  NLA
5- FREE Starbuck's Refresher Coupons ($2.39 max)
$.55/1 Lays Stax 
$1/1 off Crystal Light

I paid $.01 OOP and got back a $5 ONYO Hallmark Catalina

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