
Friday, September 28, 2012

Frugal Friday DIY Bleach and Milk Jug Containers

On my quest to be financially responsible and frugal as can be, I find that repurposing items that I already have around the house is my number one money saver.  I must admit that I used to be tempted to spend as I walked by Crate & Barrel or the Pottery Barn, but now I just use them for inspiration and make my own!

 I have a TON of milk jugs and bleach containers laying around since we use both of these products on a daily basis.  My daughter is doing a class gardening project and needed somewhere to store her tools so I got a bleach container and cut out a whole, and there you have it!  I decided to turn the milk jug into a container for my clothes pins. It's just the right size and I LOVE the carrying handle.

I encourage you to look around and see what you can do with that old pickle jar or shoe box.

**DISCLAIMER**  I by no means invented this concept, and I'm sure it's been done millions of time over. This is my own personal experience.

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