
Saturday, January 5, 2013

What To Do With Expired Coupons

Well, today was the day that I finally got around to cleaning out my coupon binder. It was bittersweet to say the least.  As I looked at the mound of expired coupons, I thought about how much more money I could have saved.  Since I do get multiple inserts I guess I saved more than enough, but I just hated to part with so many high value coupons for items that I use on a regular basis, but they just haven't gone on sale before the coupon expired.

Now that the tears have dried and I can see clearly, the fun part comes! I know many of you throw away your expired coupons, but you don't have to do so anymore.  A fantabuLESS group of ladies over at Couponing On Guam will be more than happy to use your expired coupons!  This group is based on a military base on Guam and they don't get inserts in their newspaper like we do. They can use expired manufacturer coupons up to six months past the expiration date and welcome you expired coupons.

You can send the coupons directly to these ladies here, or you can send them to me and I will forward them with my shipment.  My mailing address is   Elayne Frank  P.O. Box 100   Orinda, Ca. 94563

Happy Couponing!

1 comment:

  1. I have a whole envelope I am getting ready to "donate" hopefully they will benefit someone! Happy couponing! =)
